(ENG/PT_EU Text from Cautchu Fb page translated with google translate.)
They started like that in April.
Now that we’re all back home! It’s our turn to organize our Tournament!
Make your team now (see the rules to participate) and on the 23rd of April, in Odemira during the celebrations of the 25th of April, come and show us how to play Street Handball.
The Tournament will take place next to the riverside area, registrations must be made no later than the 21st!

Have you signed up your team yet??
It’s already this day 23 April our STREET HANDBALL Tournament!
An afternoon full of Handball! With a lot of audience and lots of fun!
About 60 young people, federated and non-federated, held the Street Handball tournament in Odemira, part of the commemorations of the 25th of April in the Municipality!
We hope to REPEAT soon, smiles say yes
The street handball tournament was the first edition of it, and we hope to repeat it again in 2023.
The first thing in our mind when we propouse ourselves to make this tournment, was to show everybody that handball could be played outdoor. In Portugal handball usually is very restricted to indoor or beach practice, and children mainly pratice football outdoor in their free time.
Our country has longs periods without rainning, so we have very good weather conditions to pratice all kind of sports outdoor. In our region, handball untill this past 8 years, was a “unknown sport” and this kind of event was also a big oportunitty to get people in toutch with it.
Street handall was also a way to show equal riths between girls and boys, and on the tournment we tried to used some rules to promote it, for example mixing girls and boys in the tournment teams.
Since we are a young club we try that every team needed to have a player that hasn’t an inscription at the Portuguese handball federation in order to try to get new athletes joining the club!
Thanks many times to:
Cautchú Andebol
All Street Handball player
Cautchu is still not member of Street Handball International but hopefully a day.
About Cautchú
Cautchú was formed in. It’s a club from a region in the south os Portugal, Alentejo, a small village called Odemira. This reagion has the biggest area in Portugal, but it’s also the region with less population living in Portugal and more dispersed between litoral and interior. The region has around 30 000 persons living. Our club has is main activiy at Odemira but we have also in São Teotónio and Vila Nova Milfontes small handball school for children until 10 years of age, after that age they all practice it in Odemira. Rigth now we have around 120 athletes, of both sexs, playing indoor handball!

Agora que estamos todos de volta a casa! É a nossa vez de organizar o nosso Torneio!
Faz já a tua equipa (vê as regras para participar) e no dia 23 de Abril, em Odemira nas comemorações das festas do 25 de Abril, vem mostrar como se joga Street Handball.
O Torneio realizar-se-á junto à zona ribeirinha, as inscrições deverão ser feitas no máximo até dia 21!
Faz scroll para saber como participar!
Já inscreveste a tua equipa??
É já este dia 23 o nosso Torneio de STREET HANDBALL!
Pede já a tua ficha de inscrição, por mensagem privada ou pede a algum jogador / treinador / dirigente da CAUTCHÚ e envia para : Coordenacao.cautchu@gmail.com
E S P E C T A C U L A R !!
Uma tarde cheia de Andebol! Com muito público e muita diversão!
Cerca de 60 jovens, federados e não federados, fizeram rolar o torneio de Street Handball em Odemira, inserido nas comemorações do 25 de Abril do Município!
Esperamos REPETIR brevemente, os sorrisos dizem-nos si
News 438