2023 Kawasaki City Elementary School Physical Education Research Handball Workshop – Learning the Street Handball and considering its introduction into PE in school.
Kanagawa Handball Association Life Sports Committee, Japan.
1 Object: To experience “street handball,” which originated in Denmark, to learn about its appeal, and to consider introducing it into elementary school physical education classes (goal type). The training will also provide an opportunity for exchange among the participants.

2 Date and Time: July 12, 2023 (Wednesday) 14:30~16:30
3 Venue: Kawasaki City Nishi-Kajigaya Elementary School Gymnasium 2-14-1 Kajigaya, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki City
4 Sponsor: Kawasaki City Elementary School Physical Education Research Association 5 Co-sponsor: Kanagawa Handball Association
6 Participants: 38 elementary school teachers from Kawasaki City
7 Lecturers: Kanagawa Handball Association Life Sports Committee
Yoshiaki Honda, Chairperson, Expert Committee Member
Yuka Inaba, Expert Committee Member, Yuka Inaba, Expert Committee Member, Shinya Yasui, Expert Committee Member, Kanagawa Handball Association
8 Assistants: 15 members of the handball club of Ikuta High School

9 Contents:
After greetings from the organizer and introduction of the instructor, the participants went
through preparatory exercises, familiarized themselves with the ball, practiced passing, catching, and shooting, and were briefed on the rules of the game. The rules included a soft ball, no dribbling, no body contact, all players participating, all players attacking, the goalkeeper taking over, two points for creative shots such as turning the body, and other unique rules.
After that, the participants were divided into teams and experienced the actual game. At first, some participants were not accustomed to the rules, such as passing the ball to all players and going off the court immediately after shooting.
After the training, we talked to some of the participants and found that the ball was small and easy to grip. It does not hurt when it hits the goalkeeper, so the goalkeeper is not afraid of it. It is a four-on-three game, so there are many chances for the attacker to get the upper hand and score goals. The participants commented that even elementary school students could enjoy the game.

11 Other:
This time, the Kanagawa Handball Association co-sponsored a workshop organized by the
Kawasaki City Elementary School Physical Education Research Association, and we were able to hold a street handball event. Although it was hot, the principal of Nishi-Kajigaya Elementary School, Mr. Tsurumi, kindly provided us with a large fan, cold tea, and salt tablets to prevent heat stroke, and we were able to complete the event without any injuries or illnesses.
In addition, the Ikuta High School handball team members were very helpful in preparing, cleaning up, and assisting with activities. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who cooperated with us. Thank you very much. The Kanagawa Prefecture Handball Association Life Sports Committee was in charge from planning to implementation, and we would like to look back and make the most of this opportunity for future projects.
Finally, I would like to add that street handball is an educational material that we would like to see used in elementary school physical education classes. It contains the basic elements of all physical activities such as running, jumping, and throwing, and the ball is small and easy to handle with one hand. The rules do not have to be set in stone but can be flexibly adapted by each school.

The current Courses of Study for elementary schools are listed below. Handball is listed as
a sport in grades 3 and 4, and grades 5 and 6.
Although handball itself can be handled, it would be meaningful to implement street
handball as an introduction. Of course, it can also be used in grades 1 and 2 as a target game, etc.

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