Video click twice the play button. ;D
Children’s Day for Bramming Town Fair went brilliant.
Here we played Street Handball again with fair play rules (without physical contact, played against 2 goals) as in the video above from 2017 and in the video below from this summer 2019 ? Here we played on the grass and it was for everyone, children and adults.
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Street Handball played on the grass, Bramming Town Fair
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Watch video above click the play button. ;D
Thanks to
Bramming Town Fair
Bramming Idræts Forening – Håndbold
Ji sport DK (Match ball Midas Street Handball ball)
Quickplay Goals
Video click twice the play button. ;D

Street Handball to Children’s Day, Bramming Town Fair, Denmark
Børnedagen til Bramming Byfest gik strålende.
Her spillede vi Street Handball igen med fair play regler (uden fysisk kontakt, spillede mod 2 mål) som i videoen ovenfor fra 2017 og i videoen nedenfor fra denne sommer 2019. Her spillede vi på græsset og det var for alle, børn og voksne. Se flere billeder på vores webside.
Tak til
Bramming Byfest
Bramming IF Håndbold
Ji sport DK (Match ball Midas Street Handball ball)
Quickplay Goals

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